Announcing the Launch of Trilogy’s QualiT™ Pure Line of Solid Phase Extraction Columns
Press Release: 4/11/23
For Immediate Release

Trilogy is excited to announce the launch of their new line of QualiT™ Pure mycotoxin cleanup columns.
Working towards enhancing our offerings of a total package QualiT™ Toolbox for mycotoxin testing solutions, Trilogy is adding a line of QualiT™ Pure SPE columns to their portfolio. This new line includes the QualiT™ Pure 1000 Multi-Mycotoxin cleanup column and the QualiT™ Pure 1100 Multi-Tox MS cleanup column. Solid phase extraction techniques are a versatile analytical method add-in to purify analytes of interest while removing interfering compounds.
Extensive compound compatibility while still maintaining a large range of quantification capacity.
Solid phase extraction is a technique where a liquid sample extraction is passed through a solid phase containing a blend of sorbents to best suit the method and analyte compatibility. The sorbent retains large molecule impurities through various mechanisms of bonding such as Van der Waals forces, hydrogen bonding, dipole-dipole forces, size exclusion, and cation and anion exchange in addition to a membrane filtration give the user a quick and easy one-step process to improved sample analysis.
"This launch of Trilogy’s QualiT™ Pure SPE columns opens the door for us to provide our customers with these multi-analyte solutions that the industry needs to work in conjunction with the multi-analyte LC-MS/MS methods.” says Jordon Biebaum, Vice-President of Operations.
About Trilogy
Trilogy is a food and feed safety laboratory specializing in mycotoxins, mycotoxin binder analysis, biogenic amines and animal drug residue testing. Trilogy Analytical Laboratory opened its doors in 1999 when its founders recognized a need in the mycotoxin industry for quick result turn-around utilizing reliable reference methods provided in an analytical setting. One of the main pillars of Trilogy’s strategy is to operate using a comprehensive quality program that we can rely on to ensure performance parameters are met every single time. From this philosophy the Trilogy line of quality products was born with the mycotoxin industry in mind.
QualiT™ Pure Cleanup Columns
Media Contact: Lynette Hischier,